Hope these will be as helpful to you today as they will be for future me.
view by tags:    life (1)     robotics (10)     hardware (4)     math (3)     C++ (4)     latex (2)     website (1)    

Building multiple ROS nodes in one package
[ C++ , robotics ]

How to setup and export multiple libraries and executable from one package

Header-only catkin package
[ C++ , robotics ]

How to setup and use a header-only catkin package

How to LaTeX in Jekyll using KaTeX
[ website , latex ]

An ultra simplified guide without requiring a MathJax to KaTeX conversion

How to structure and write an abstract class
[ C++ ]

quick tutorial on abstract classes using coffee makers as an example

Quadrotor connectors galore
[ robotics , hardware ]

A short guide to wire connectors for UAVs, for interfacing with power/pixracer/ESCs/motors, etc.

Space tricks in Latex
[ latex ]

How to adjust/shrink white spaces in latex documents for when you're just one line over the conference page limit

Tutorial on ROS Pluginlib
[ C++ , robotics ]

How to actually write a plugin in ROS

Derivation of Unconstrained Polynomial Trajectory Optimization
[ robotics , math ]

How to compute the spline trajectory representation given higher order derivative constraints.

Uniform B-splines
[ robotics , math ]

A fast intro to bsplines for trajectory representation.

CHOMP Gradient derivation
[ robotics , math ]

the derivation for the functional gradient for the CHOMP paper.

Comparison of Quadrotor ESCs for autonomous flight
[ robotics , hardware ]

A comparison of ESC firmware, communication protocols and available models for building a quadrotor for precise motor control

Vibration reduction methods for quadrotors
[ robotics , hardware ]

How to mechanically damp out as much noise on those IMU signals as possible.

Installing librealsense for T265 on various compute platforms
[ robotics , hardware ]

Attempting to install librealsense on various small compute platforms (Intel Aero UAV, Odroid XU4, Nvidia TX2)

Building your credit history from nothing
[ life ]

A guide on how to build your credit history from nothing for expats moving to the US.